Friday, October 20, 2006

These gay strippers are ruining my life

When Jack’s parents bought JJ this trio of dolls, I was delighted. For one thing, the fact that they bought dolls for our boy (and removed all the guns from the package before giving them to him) was unusually enlightened for them. And the dolls themselves! Okay, they’re not exactly Barbies, but they are clearly gay strippers, complete with Velcro fastenings on their manly clothing. We immediately christened them the Hot Cops and wasted hours playing with them.

JJ could not have cared less about them, incidentally.

But now The Peanut has developed an unhealthy fascination with the Hot Cops. Specifically, she is obsessed with taking off their boots and putting them back on. She can’t quite manage it, however, and gets completely worked up and hysterical about the whole business. Consequently, I spend a ridiculous amount of time taking those goddamn boots off and putting them back on.

She also loves putting their hats on, a task that is quite impossible even for me because their plastic hair is so enormous.

So now our peaceful household is frequently shattered by frustrated cries of “DEET!” (meaning feet/boots/help me get these fuckers on and off) and “DAT!” (meaning hat/gigantic hair/why oh why can I not get this stupid hat on over this gay stripper’s gigantic hairdo).

The Hot Cops have got to go.


happypix said...

Bring those macho men over to my house. M can set them up on dates with her prissy Barbie Princess dolls and pretend they're at the Playboy Mansion when they are stripped naked and thrown into the bathtub with My Little Pony, a troll and a Care Bare.
Oh, but wait... they're gay. In that case maybe they'd rather hang out with the Groovy Girls.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog.

Unemployed Nurse Jack said...

I love that two of the Hot Cops appear to be sharing one outfit. How romantic.

They would love the Barbie House here. Lots of lounging furniture and glam clothing.

Toooooo funny.

Anonymous said...

Put them in a shoebox and make them disappear for a while - but do not get rid of them. With all the mating going on at your house, those hot cops are sure to come in handy soon.

Anonymous said...

oh my lord. that is some hot boy action. peppers barbies just have three ways.

Alisyn said...

Hazel's Barbies would love the Hot Cops; we have a rastafarian Rapunzel, a butch African-American with hacked-off hair, and a couple of princesses desperately craving some hot gay action (they like to watch).

Time for another playdate!

Anonymous said...

These gay strippers are going to make me cry if they keep being the most recent post.

More, please!