Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ten Things About Myself I Probably Shouldn't Admit

1. I hate board games.

2. I have an unforgivable habit of not tightening lids on jars. (Why Jack hasn't divorced me for this is a great mystery.)

3. My go-to "cleaning" method is to shove crap in cabinets, closets, and under the bed.

4. I hate calling people on the phone and will do almost anything to avoid it.

5. I was a bigger nerd in high school than you can possibly imagine.

6. Evidence of #5: The only team sport I played was Knowledge Bowl.

7. Yet more evidence: There is still a poster of Rick Springfield hanging on the wall of my old room at my father's house.

8. I hate hanging out at the playground.

9. I love reading science fiction and fantasy novels. (Don't ask me to divulge any titles because I will plead the Fifth.)

10. I can pee faster than anyone else on this earth.